How to earn money easily
As an addition to the other dating products, VX-CASH now offers a Dating Smartlink for maximum conversion. Within this self-optimizing Smartlink, various dating products rotate, all with maximum payouts. Thanks to a high volume and good quality, VX-CASH can secure exceptionally good conditions with its advertisers – and you can benefit from these conditions as well. For each SOI conversion, you will receive an average payout of 4,25 € *, regardless of the customer's device or other quality factors. We can also provide any kind of advertising material.
Three good reasons to promote the Smartlink:
1. Plug and Play
You can immediately start promoting the Smartlink and earning money - no activation required.
2. Self-Optimizing
We take care of the optimization for you. You don't have to draft long texts anymore.
3. Maximum Payout
Proven products with maximum payouts, and no discussions about quality and price.
Don't waste your time – promote the Dating Smartlink now!
*75% CPL share of the respective product payout