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Ersties is a leading, curated amateur porn platform including masturbation solos, girl-girl, feature-length fantasies, unique playdates, and erotic stills that all celebrate female sexuality. Our community of pleasure-lovers has grown to include thousands of videos and viewers from across the world.

All Ersties content is inclusive, ethically made, and built around empowering women to embrace their sexuality without judgment. Reinventing adult films through the female gaze, we create scenes based on what a performer genuinely enjoys. Our movies are produced by an all-female team. At Ersties, film students, photographers, and porn lovers come together to shine a light on the beauty of female sexuality.

Ersties webmasters enjoy the advantage that Ersties customers are billed monthly and are encouraged to stay through video updates, Ersties Playdates with changing promotions and content, and new - often exclusive - actors and concepts. There are also upsells for minute-based features such as live cams

2nd best rated amateur adult site worldwide. You will get paid 40% across all commission levels (incl. rebills and upsells)!

  • 2000+ videos
  • 600+ models
  • over 1.000.000 social media follower
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