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Dating: Lustagenten

Everybody is talking about dating - casual dating, sex dating, online dating... Even on TV you will see ads promoting the traditional matchmaking services during the day and the saucier websites for affairs and flings in the night.

So as a dating webmaster you are dealing with an audience already familiar with dating. Meaning you’ll be using one of the top conversion engines.

Lustagenten is the ideal portal for long-term sharing income. With our lifetime sharing model, our affiliates can earn up to 52% sharing.

You can promote the dating programs via social media channels or the relevant forums and boards on the net. Very courageous publishers even contact potential customers via WhatsApp and similar channels.

With the casual dating portal "Lustagenten", available in three different levels from softcore to absolute hardcore (.de / .com / .xxx), VX-CASH offers a strong brand in this market segment. Of course you can use the program also as fully configurable dating whitelabel or as WordPress dating theme, both with the option to use your own domain and your own SEO texts.

The sign-ups on the dating portals are often created on mobile devices, BTW. Good thing Lustagenten and the dating whitelabel are optimized for mobile users!

You can promote this program with classic banners, HTML 5 video banners or landing pages with direct sign-ups on the landing page. The promotional material is self-optimizing - which means a lot less work for you. Start using this great stuff and earning money with online dating.

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